We appreciate ALL of our customers, from the small business owners to the larger corporations. Creek Run is dedicated to every project and client, whether we have known them for 20 days or 20 years. We enjoy working with a variety of people, including gas station owners, county highway department personnel, bank loan officers, and real estate agents. And it shows!
But don’t take our word for it… see for yourself what our clients say about Creek Run and our team members.

Creek Run has successfully remediated and closed 28 LUST or State Cleanup projects on Ricker-owned properties.

Creek Run has handled UST compliance services, including monthly inspections, for the Franklin County Highway Department in Brookville, Indiana, since February 2020.

Creek Run has successfully remediated and closed 14 LUST projects on Family Express-owned properties.

Creek Run has handled UST compliance services, including monthly inspections, for the Huntington County Highway Department in Huntington, Indiana, since June 2019.